Not succeeding on a diet is frustrating, but sometimes it’s just like riding a bike. In other words, it’s normal to fall several times before getting the hang of it. It’s hard to stick to everything on the keto diet, primarily as a beginner. It takes time to learn the ins and outs of the diet and why it’s important to eat foods that are high in fat and low in carbohydrates, as the Body Reboot book explains. Even after being on the keto diet for a while, falling off from time to time is perfectly reasonable. The important thing is to get back up and figure out a way to stick to your goals. Even when you lose the weight or reach your health goals, you will continue to face difficulties along the way. However, people who keep their weight off are better problem-solvers who can call on friends, family members, and loved ones to help them take control of their environment and find a solution instead of giving up.
Ask Yourself Why You Started
When you feel like giving up, it’s always a good idea to consider the reason why you began the diet. Was it to get healthier and cut out sugar? Or to lose weight? Perhaps you want to go on a walk without being in pain. Whatever the case may be, reminding yourself why you started will help you push the reset button and not quit. Huff Post recommends figuring out what you want will help you not give up on your goals.
Figure out your big, weight loss “why” before you even think about how to change your eating habits.
Ask yourself: What's your real reason behind wanting to drop those 50 pounds?
Using your meaningful, compelling “why” to drive you forward instead of relying on a “should” goal (“I should get healthier” or “my husband says I should lose weight”) is a crucial part of making your healthy habits stick, not slide.
Without meaning, you can't have momentum.
Keep a Weight Loss Journal
Have you considered keeping a weight loss journal? When you’re discouraged, you can write down your thoughts and ways to power through an obstacle as opposed to giving up. Keeping track of your emotions can also help you recognize when your hormones may be out of whack, you’re having a hard time, or something frustrating is going on in your life. Healthline mentions a study by J Acad Nutr Diet that found that revealed that people who track their food intake are more likely to lose weight.
Self-monitoring is crucial to weight loss motivation and success.
Research has found that people who track their food intake are more likely to lose weight and maintain their weight loss.
However, to keep a food journal correctly, you must write down everything you eat. This includes meals, snacks and the piece of candy you ate off your coworker's desk.
You can also record your emotions in your food journal. This can help you identify certain triggers for overeating and help you find healthier ways to cope.
You can keep food journals on pen and paper or use a website or app. They have all been proven effective.
Control Your Environment
According to WebMD, some people feel they can rely on willpower to get them through, but if there’s a tasty bag of chips in the cupboard tempting you then it’s going to be hard to say no. The easiest way to keep temptation away is by controlling your environment and not having it in your house in the first place.
Successful losers don't rely on willpower, Tallmadge tells WebMD.
“Fill your home with healthy, wholesome foods,” she says. “Have healthy foods in the refrigerator so you're less likely to stop and grab something greasy on the way home from work. Some people think they can have cookies in their home and use willpower. Then they get mad at themselves when they eat them.”What if your family isn't dieting? You can still take control and keep tempting foods out of your kitchen, Tallmadge says: “If the family wants desserts, they can go to the ice cream shop for one serving.”
Travel writer Mary Mihaly of Cleveland gained 75 pounds after she quit smoking in 1992. Today, after following the principles of the Weight Watchers diet and adding exercise to her life, she's just 15 pounds from her goal weight. Mihaly says she is OK with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in her house. But she knows that having chips or real butter around would be her undoing.
Rely on Others for Support
If you think you can succeed on the keto diet by yourself, then you’re wrong. According to BistroMD, having a support system when the going gets rough can make all the difference. When you feel like giving up, reach out to your support system. Have them remind you why you decided to get healthy and make lifestyle changes.
This suggestion may not spread across the entire board, but it may be more influential than perceived. And though weight loss is only something you can personally achieve, both mental and physical support may foster and accelerate its efforts and attainment. A strong support system can be quite critical in health success – whether it be from a spouse, an online group, or close friends, their encouragement might be just the fuel you need to lose weight for good. With its consistent support from health experts and free access to resources, bistroMD also believes allowing, accepting, and utilizing support is an essential component to successful weight loss.
Gain Inspiration From Successful Dieters
Wonder why you like to keep track of successful people on Instagram and other social media sites? It’s because people who have had success on the keto diet can help you press on and not give up on yourself even when you’re not experiencing results right away. Woman’s Day says not to give up just because you have a few obstacles in your path. Look to those who have succeeded and change your mindset.
It may be said that misery loves company, but it should be that success loves company. Why are weight-loss reality shows so popular? Because viewers can see that other people have overcome obstacles on the way to achieving their goals. Success stories can be great for lifting you up and revving up that motivation when it's lacking, and reading that someone else had the same problem and pushed through can help you push through the hard times, too.
SparkPeople's own success gallery can provide a quick motivational pick-me-up and remind you of the reasons you're taking control of your health and fitness.
Give Yourself a Pep Talk
Woman’s Day recommends giving yourself a pep talk when you feel like throwing in the towel on your keto journey. Stay positive and repeating positive sayings can help you reaffirm why and how you want to reach your goals. You can do it!
Remember Jessica, the self-affirming Internet sensation? Sure, her self-pep talk is silly and cute, but she's wise beyond her years and that positivity is infectious. Channel your inner Jessica and set aside a minute every day to let the positivity flow; write down (or say aloud) everything that you like about yourself and your life, and use that minute to reaffirm why you want to meet your goals. You may feel silly at first, but it's harder to feel unmotivated when you're literally cheering yourself on!
Get Active
Sometimes being more active can help you burn more calories and also help your frame of mind. If you plan to implement more exercise think about an activity that you’ll actually enjoy, such as running at a scenic area or taking a fitness class. Harvard Health Publishing has more thoughts on this topic:
The other component to controlling weight is exercise. Although the government recommends at least 30 minutes a day of moderate- to high-intensity exercise, that's probably not enough to help you lose weight. It also can be harder to exercise as energetically as you did when you were younger, especially if you have arthritis or another mobility-limiting condition. To get the same results at a lower intensity, you'll need to exercise for twice as long, Dr. Blackburn says.
Don't just think of exercise solely in terms of going to the gym and sweating on a piece of fitness equipment. You don't need to get your daily 60 minutes of activity in a gym at all. A better strategy is to make activity a bigger part of your life. Take a walk every day if weather permits. Set up a weekly tennis or golf game with friends. Take the stairs whenever you can. Wear a pedometer so you can track how far you walk each day; this might motivate you to add another block to your neighborhood walk to satisfy your daily quota.
At the time of writing this post, we're currently giving away free copies of the Body Reboot book because it's our mission to increase awareness and to help people lose weight and get healthy! If you help us cover the cost of shipping, we’ll send a copy to your door FREE. Go over to this page to see if there are any copies left.
Sources: Harvard Health Publishing, WebMD, Huff Post Life Wellness, Bistro MD, Woman’s Day, Healthline, NCBI: J Acad Nutr Diet. 2012
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