We've all had those days when we're plagued with fatigue and can't seem to wake up no matter how much coffee we drink. Perhaps it's dealing with insomnia or a medical issue that's causing the constant tiredness, but there's also another reason you're so tired: You're eating too many carbs.
As the Body Reboot book tells us, on a lower carb diet, the body reacts by going into a state of ketosis and using stored up fat for energy. There are huge benefits to going on a low carb, high fat and protein diet, and one of the main benefits is to lower insulin levels. Keep reading to learn how tiredness can disappear and make way for a significant energy increase.
Is Food Making You Tired?
Low carb diets end fatigue simply because they are low in sugar. It’s that easy. Toss the sugar / starch, and toss the naps.Traditional diets are centered around sugary, starchy carbs. These carbs increase and spike insulin levels, resulting in high blood sugar.
A rapid rise in insulin causes sluggishness and increases lethargy. The rise in insulin is why we feel tired after a carb-filled meal or have ‘afternoon slumps.’
Energy Changes Happen Fast
By the end of the first week of your new diet plan, you should start to reap the rewards of low carb eating.Many people begin to experience increased energy, better mental concentration, less compulsive eating and few or no carb cravings.
Of course, everyone’s experience is variable, and it takes longer with some than others.
A rapid rise in insulin causes sluggishness and increased tiredness. Low carb diets lower insulin levels, banish tiredness and increase our energy levels.
All of this is possible by simply avoiding high glycemic index foods like carbs and sugars, and concentrating on eating fats and proteins.
Once you have become adapted to the keto diet you'll begin to experience better mental concentration and will have fewer or no carb cravings whatsoever. Plus, those of us who struggle with compulsive eating will begin to eat less and instead experience elevated moods and heightened feelings of alertness.
Believe it or not, glucose, which is found in carbs, is not what the body prefers to use as its main fuel source. Running on fat, the body and brain perform a lot better. Low Carb Diem adds to the idea that if you focus on eating more fats and proteins your body will reap the benefits!
Want to learn more? At the time of writing this article, there are a few free copies left of the Body Reboot Book. Head on over to this page and see if there are any left now. If you're willing to cover the cost to ship it to you… the book is 100% free (we normally sell it for $29.95).
Tired, Sleep Problems & Excess Fat?
There are 4 secrets being kept from you about why a modern diet is making us fatter, more tired & sick.
Discover how to activate your body's “Reboot Switch” that flips on a fat burning inferno so you can finally get healthy and achieve your weight loss goals!
Hit Your Fat Burning Reboot Switch
Discover how to activate your body's “Reboot Switch” that flips on a fat burning inferno so you can finally achieve your weight loss goals!